Sunday, February 3, 2013

Module 5 Concept Map

After reading Moller's (2008) article, I would say that I am moving away from static, and am almost in the middle of the "static-dynamic continuum," eagerly moving toward dynamic.  With every online course I take, I learn more and more about resources and tools that are available for me to use in my studies.  With technology changing so quickly, I will look up something and find it is now something else!  For example, I was going to put Elluminate on my concept map, but when I looked it up I found out it is now Blackboard.  Unfortunately, textbooks can not be updated quickly enough to give students the most up to date information and resources, so I have made it a standard practice to look up something I am not familiar with to see if it has been replaced with the latest "best thing out there".  

To help me move toward the dynamic side, I am using online tutorials, specifically, to learn some of the software that I want to use myself, or in my classroom.  Since I introduced the site in my classroom, my students are using it to teach themselves programs that we have, but that I do not teach, such as Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, and After Effects. 

I also found a blog by another Walden student, Ruth Shelton, called Developing Effective Learning Design.  I have enjoyed reading her posts, which are well referenced, if you would like more information.


Moller, L. (2008). Static and dynamic technological tools. [Unpublished Paper].

Shelton, R. (2012, Nov 18). Applying distance learning technology. [Web log]. Retrieved from